Red Cross Disaster Mental Health 志愿者 leads with compassion

作者:Alana Mauger
Nursing alumna 兰迪·米勒 poses with American Red Cross mascot, Fred Cross, during 一个事件. Miller has been helping the community for more than four decades. 照片 由美国红十字会提供

Nursing alumna 兰迪·米勒 poses with American Red Cross mascot, Fred Cross, during 一个事件. Miller has been helping the community for more than four decades. 照片 由美国红十字会提供

Like American Red Cross founder Clara Barton, 兰迪·米勒’s first passion is being 一个护士. She recalls with great affection the Florence Nightingale Pledge, which she first recited during her graduation ceremony from 蒙哥马利县社区学院 作为注册的 护士 in 1982.

“You know, I still have my Florence Nightingale lamp that we carried when we graduated,” 她分享.

Decades later, when Randy became the first 护士 to receive the 灯塔奖 at Kennedy Health, 她分享 part of that pledge and how it called to her.

兰迪·米勒 Randy is a board-certified psychiatric 护士, and she recently became a certified 悲伤与失落教育者. For most of her 41-year nursing career, Randy served as 护士 manager in hospital psychiatric units. She also was an active part of a community Suicide Prevention Taskforce and was a first-responder in schools when there was a 丧子之痛.

When she retired in 2021, Randy searched for a way to continue serving the community. She soon found the Red Cross and became an active member of the Disaster Action Team (DAT), which provides immediate emergency assistance to those impacted by home fires 自然灾害.

她喜欢 unique teamwork aspect of the Red Cross, where 志愿者s and staff 一起工作.

“It’s an unusual setup that 90% of the workforce are 志愿者s. 这是其中一件事 that keeps me going with the Red Cross – being part of a team, and we’re all bringing something different to the table,” 她说.

Her work with DAT led her to join the Red Cross Disaster Mental Health team, which 兰迪现在领先. She’s also part of the Red Cross Integrated Care and Condolence Team (ICCT), which is comprised of credentialed Recovery, Disaster Health 服务, Disaster Mental Health and Spiritual Care 志愿者s and staff. 在宾夕法尼亚州东南部, ICCT mobilizes to support individuals and families impacted by home fires or natural 自然灾害事故.

Soon after Randy received her certification as a 悲伤与失落教育者, she recalls sitting with a mother who had just lost her daughter in a home fire. 母亲表示 Randy pictures and shared stories about her daughter.

“It was just so powerful for me to sit with her and witness her grief, to just listen,” 她说. “That’s the biggest thing you can do for someone in grief.”

兰迪·米勒 walks with a couple impacted by a home explosion in the Port Richmond 费城的一部分. 1, 2023.

While much of the Red Cross Disaster Mental Health support is done virtually, Randy and a few other 志愿者s also meet with clients at the 红十字会大楼 – a one-of-a-kind disaster recovery center in West Philadelphia that provides support to clients in a safe and comfortable environment. 每个家庭都有自己的房间 key with a bathroom and three meals per day while they develop a recovery plan with 红十字会的个案工作者.

At the 红十字会大楼, Randy and her team meet with individuals and families who are referred to 他们 as part of the DAT intake or recovery processes. 她喜欢 ability to meet with people in person, to “just sit with 他们 and be present with 他们.” She also takes the opportunity to eat meals with families who haven’t been referred, just to check in with 他们 and see how they’re doing. 

“When you’re sitting with someone and listening and allowing 他们 to tell their story and witnessing their grief without trying to fix it, you’ve just created such an opening 因为他们的治愈. You give 他们 hope by your presence,” 她分享.

In addition to her work with DAT, ICCT and Disaster Mental Health, Randy is part of the Red Cross Mass Care and Preparedness teams. She is also a Disaster Cycle 服务 basic instructor, teaching Psychological First Aid.

“Being of service is really a privilege. It’s exhilarating and so positive,” 她说. “I wish that more people my age would realize that they can contribute. 此外, Red Cross has so many different opportunities.”

To learn about 志愿者 opportunities at the American Red Cross, visit the Red Cross 志愿者 page.

This article is published with permission from the American Red Cross and was originally 发表于 费城红十字会博客 as part of the #LeadLikeClara profiles in commemoration of Red Cross Month and Women’s 历史月.